Source code for tme.base_sympy

Taylor moment expansion (TME) in SymPy.

TME applies on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) of the form

    .. math::

        d X(t) = a(X(t))dt + b(X(t)) dW(t),

    where :math:`X \colon \mathbb{T} \to \mathbb{R}^d`, and :math:`W\colon \mathbb{T} \to \mathrm{R}^w` is a Wiener
    process having the unit spectral density.
    Functions :math:`a \colon \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d`
    and :math:`b \colon \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^{d \times w}` stand for the drift and dispersion coefficients,
    respectively. :math:`\mathbb{T} = [t_0, \infty)` stands for a temporal domain.

For more detailed explanations of TME, see, Zhao (2021) or Zhao et al. (2020). Notations used in this doc-site
follows from Zhao (2021).

    TME approximation for mean and covariance. In case you just want to compute the mean, use function
    :py:func:`expectation` with argument :code:`phi` fed by an identity function.
    TME approximation for any expectation of the form :math:`\mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t + \Delta t)) \mid X(t)]`.
    Infinitesimal generator.
    Infinitesimal generator extended for vector-valued target function.
    Infinitesimal generator extended for matrix-valued target function.
    Iterations/power of infinitesimal generators.

Zheng Zhao. State-space deep Gaussian processes.
PhD thesis, Aalto University. 2021.

Zheng Zhao, Toni Karvonen, Roland Hostettler, and Simo Särkkä.
Taylor Moment Expansion for Continuous-Discrete Gaussian Filtering.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(9):4460-4467, 2021.

Didier Dacunha-Castelle and Danielle Florens-Zmirou.
Estimation of the coefficients of a diffusion from discrete observations.
Stochastics, 19(4):263–284, 1986.

Danielle Florens-Zmirou. Approximate discrete-time schemes for statistics of diffusion processes.
Statistics, 20(4):547–557, 1989.

Currently, this symbolc implementation has a problem as the SymPy simplification function
:code:`sympy.simplify` is not working well. See details in the docstring of function :py:func:`mean_and_cov`.

Zheng Zhao, 2020,,
import warnings
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Callable

import sympy
from sympy import Symbol, Expr, Matrix, MatrixSymbol, factorial, trace, zeros
from sympy import binomial, simplify

__all__ = ['generator',

[docs]def generator(phi: Expr, x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix) -> Expr: r"""Infinitesimal generator for diffusion processes in Ito's SDE constructions. .. math:: (\mathcal{A}\phi)(x) = \sum^d_{i=1} a_i(x)\,\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x_i}(x) + \frac{1}{2}\, \sum^d_{i,j=1} \Gamma_{ij}(x) \, \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial x_i \, \partial x_j}(x), where :math:`\phi\colon \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}` must be sufficiently smooth function depending on the expansion order, and :math:`\Gamma(x) = b(x) \, b(x)^\top`. Parameters ---------- phi : Expr Scalar-valued target function. x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. Returns ------- Expr Symbolic :math:`(\mathcal{A}\phi)(x)`. """ return Matrix([phi]).jacobian(x).dot(drift) \ + 0.5 * trace(Matrix([phi]).jacobian(x).jacobian(x) * (dispersion * dispersion.T))
[docs]def generator_vec(phi_vec: Matrix, x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Infinitesimal generator for vector-valued :math:`\phi\colon \mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}^{m}`. Parameters ---------- phi_vec : Matrix Vector-valued target function. x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. Returns ------- Matrix Symbolic :math:`(\mathcal{A}\phi)(x)`. Notes ----- Since we are using :code:`sympy.Matrix`, the function :py:func:`generator_mat` can exactly replace this function. """ g = zeros(phi_vec.shape[0], phi_vec.shape[1]) for i, row in enumerate(phi_vec): g[i] = generator(row, x, drift, dispersion) return g
[docs]def generator_mat(phi_mat: Matrix, x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Infinitesimal generator for matrix-valued :math:`\phi\colon \mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}`. This function exactly corresponds to the operator :math:`\overline{\mathcal{A}}` in Zhao (2021). Parameters ---------- phi_mat : Matrix Matrix-valued target function. x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. Returns ------- Matrix Symbolic :math:`(\mathcal{A}\phi)(x)`. """ g = zeros(phi_mat.shape[0], phi_mat.shape[1]) for i in range(phi_mat.rows): for j in range(phi_mat.cols): g[i, j] = generator(phi_mat[i, j], x, drift, dispersion) return g
[docs]def generator_power(phi: Matrix, x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix, p: int) -> List[Matrix]: r"""Iterations/power of infinitesimal generator for scalar/vector/matrix-valued :math:`\phi`. .. math:: (\mathcal{A}^p\phi)(x), where :math:`p` is the number of iterations. Parameters ---------- phi : Matrix Scalar/vector/Matrix-valued target function. x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. p : int Power/number of iterations. Returns ------- List[Matrix] A list of iterated generators :math:`[(\mathcal{A}^0\phi)(x), (\mathcal{A}\phi)(x), \ldots, (\mathcal{A}^p\phi)(x)]`. """ generators = [phi] for i in range(1, p + 1): phi = generator_mat(phi, x, drift, dispersion) generators.append(phi) return generators
[docs]def mean_and_cov(x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix, dt: Symbol, order: int = 3, simp: Union[bool, Callable] = True) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]: r"""TME approximation for mean and covariance. Formally, this function approximates .. math:: \mathbb{E}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)], \mathrm{Cov}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)]. See, Zhao (2021, Lemma 3.4) for details. Parameters ---------- x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. dt : Symbol Symbolic time interval. You can create one, for example, by :code:`dt=sympy.Symbol('dt', positive=True)`. order : int, default=3 Order of TME. simp : bool or Callable, default=True Set :code:`True` to simplify the results by calling the default :code:`sympy.simplify` method. You can also use your own simplification method by feeding it a callable function. .. warning:: The method :code:`sympy.simplify` can be unnecessarily slow when the system is complicated, see `this page <>`_ for details. Returns ------- m : Matrix TME approximation of mean :math:`\mathbb{E}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)]`. cov : Matrix TME approximation of covariance :math:`\mathrm{Cov}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)]`. """ if dt is None: dt = Symbol('dt', positive=True) dim_x = x.shape[0] # Give mean estimate phi = Matrix([x]) m = Matrix([x]) for r in range(1, order + 1): phi = generator_vec(phi, x, drift, dispersion) m = m + 1 / factorial(r) * phi * dt ** r # Give covariance estimate # Precompute powers of generator Ax = generator_power(Matrix([x]), x, drift, dispersion, order) Axx = generator_power(x * x.T, x, drift, dispersion, order) cov = sympy.zeros(dim_x, dim_x) for r in range(1, order + 1): coeff = Axx[r] for s in range(r + 1): coeff = coeff - binomial(r, s) * Ax[s] * Ax[r - s].T cov = cov + 1 / factorial(r) * coeff * dt ** r if callable(simp): return simp(m), simp(cov) if simp: warn_simp() return simplify(m), simplify(cov) return m, cov
[docs]def expectation(phi: Matrix, x: MatrixSymbol, drift: Matrix, dispersion: Matrix, dt: Symbol = None, order: int = 3, simp: Union[bool, Callable] = True) -> Matrix: r"""TME approximation of expectation on target function :math:`\phi`. Formally, this function approximates .. math:: \mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t+\Delta t)) \mid X(t)], where :math:`\phi \colon \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}` is any smooth enough function of interest. Parameters ---------- phi : Matrix Target function. x : MatrixSymbol Symbolic state vector. drift : Matrix Symbolic drift coefficient. dispersion : Matrix Symbolic dispersion coefficient. dt : Symbol, optional Symbolic time interval. If this is not specified by the user, then the function will create one. order : int, default=3 Order of TME. simp : bool or Callable, default=True Set True to simplify the results by calling the default :code:`sympy.simplify` method. You can also give your own simplification method as a callable function input. Returns ------- Matrix TME approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t + \Delta t)) \mid X(t)]`. """ if dt is None: dt = Symbol('dt', positive=True) # Precompute generator powers Ar = generator_power(phi, x, drift, dispersion, order) expec = sympy.zeros(*phi.shape) for r in range(order + 1): expec = expec + 1 / factorial(r) * Ar[r] * dt ** r if callable(simp): return simp(expec) if simp: warn_simp() return simplify(expec) return expec
def warn_simp(): warnings.warn('The simplification method sympy.simplify may be slow in some cases.')