Source code for tme.base_jax

Taylor moment expansion (TME) in JaX.

For math details, please see the docstring of :py:mod:`tme.base_sympy`.

    Infinitesimal generator. This is a helper function around :py:func:`generator_power`.
    Iterations/power of infinitesimal generators.
    TME approximation for mean and covariance. In case you just want to compute the mean, use function
    :py:func:`expectation` with argument :code:`phi` fed by an identity function.
    TME approximation for any expectation of the form :math:`\mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t + \Delta t)) \mid X(t)]`.

See the docstring of :py:mod:`tme.base_sympy`.

Adrien Corenflos and Zheng Zhao, 2021
# TODO: The logic further down can be improved dramatically if we make diagonal noise specific logic.

    import jax as _
    raise ImportError("By default the library is not packaged with JaX due to the need to support CPU and GPU users. "
                      "In order to use it, follow the instructions on")

import math
from math import factorial
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jvp, linearize, vmap

__all__ = ['generator',

[docs]def generator_power(phi: Callable, drift: Callable, dispersion: Callable, order: int = 1) -> List[Callable]: r"""Iterations/power of infinitesimal generator. For math details, see the docstring of :py:func:`tme.base_sympy.generator_power`. Parameters ---------- phi : Callable (d,) -> (...) Target function. drift : Callable (d,) -> (d,) SDE drift coefficient. dispersion : Callable (d,) -> (d, w) SDE dispersion coefficient, where `w` stands for the dimension of the Wiener process. order : int, optional Number of generator iterations. Must be >=0. Default is 1, which corresponds to the standard infinitesimal generator. Returns ------- List[Callable] List of generator functions in ascending power order. Formally, this function returns :math:`[\phi, \mathcal{A}\phi, \ldots, \mathcal{A}^p\phi]`, where :code:`p` is the order. Each callable function in this list has exactly the same input-output shape signature as phi: (d,) -> (...). Notes ----- The implementation is due to Adrien Corenflos. Thank you for contributing this. You may also find a naive implementation of infinitesimal generators and their iterations in the test file :code:`./test/`. """ def jac_part(z, f): return jvp(f, (z,), (drift(z),))[1] def hess_prod_1(z, f, b): _, linearized_f = linearize(f, z) return vmap(linearized_f, in_axes=1, out_axes=0)(b) def hess_prod_2(z, f): b = _format_dispersion(dispersion(z)) _, linearized_f = linearize(lambda zz: hess_prod_1(zz, f, b), z) return vmap(linearized_f, in_axes=0, out_axes=1)(b.T) gen_power = phi list_of_gen_powers = [gen_power] for _ in range(order): def gen_power(z, f=gen_power): return jac_part(z, f) + 0.5 * jnp.einsum("ii...", hess_prod_2(z, f)) list_of_gen_powers.append(gen_power) return list_of_gen_powers
[docs]def generator(phi: Callable, drift: Callable, dispersion: Callable) -> Callable: r"""Infinitesimal generator for diffusion processes in Ito's SDE constructions. .. math:: (\mathcal{A}\phi)(x) = \sum^d_{i=1} a_i(x)\,\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x_i}(x) + \frac{1}{2}\, \sum^d_{i,j=1} \Gamma_{ij}(x) \, \frac{\partial^2 \phi}{\partial x_i \, \partial x_j}(x), where :math:`\phi\colon \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}` must be sufficiently smooth function depending on the expansion order, and :math:`\Gamma(x) = b(x) \, b(x)^\top`. This is a helper function around :py:func:`generator_power`. Parameters ---------- phi : Callable (d,) -> (...) Target function. drift : Callable (d,) -> (d,) SDE drift coefficient. dispersion : Callable (d,) -> (d, w) SDE dispersion coefficient, where `w` stands for the dimension of the Wiener process. Returns ------- Callable (...) A callable function which carries out :math:`x \mapsto \mathcal{A}\phi`. The output shape of this function is the same as :code:`phi`. """ return generator_power(phi, drift, dispersion, 1)[1]
[docs]def mean_and_cov(x: jnp.ndarray, dt: float, drift: Callable, dispersion: Callable, order: int = 3) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: r"""TME approximation for mean and covariance. For math details, see the docstring of :py:func:`tme.base_sympy.mean_and_cov`. Parameters ---------- x : jnp.ndarray (d,) The state at which the generator is evaluated. (i.e., the :math:`x` in :math:`\mathbb{E}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)=x]` and :math:`\mathrm{Cov}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)=x]`). dt : float Time interval. drift : Callable (d,) -> (d,) SDE drift coefficient. dispersion : Callable (d,) -> (d, w) SDE dispersion coefficient, where `w` stands for the dimension of the Wiener process. order : int, default=3 Order of TME. Must be >= 1. Returns ------- m : jnp.ndarray (d,) TME approximation of mean :math:`\mathbb{E}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)=x]`. cov : jnp.ndarray (d, d) TME approximation of covariance :math:`\mathrm{Cov}[X(t + \Delta t) \mid X(t)=x]`. Notes ----- When `order = 1`, the TME mean and cov approximations are exactly the same with Euler--Maruyama. """ # Give generator powers of phi^I and phi^II then evaluate them all list_of_Aphi_i = generator_power(lambda z: z, drift, dispersion, order) list_of_Aphi_ii = generator_power(lambda z: jnp.outer(z, z), drift, dispersion, order) Aphi_i_powers = [func(x) for func in list_of_Aphi_i] Aphi_ii_powers = [func(x) for func in list_of_Aphi_ii] # Give the mean approximation m = x for r in range(1, order + 1): m = m + 1 / factorial(r) * Aphi_i_powers[r] * dt ** r # Give the cov approximation # r = 1 cov = Aphi_ii_powers[1] - jnp.outer(Aphi_i_powers[0], Aphi_i_powers[1]) \ - jnp.outer(Aphi_i_powers[1], Aphi_i_powers[0]) cov = cov * dt for r in range(2, order + 1): coeff = Aphi_ii_powers[r] for k in range(r + 1): coeff = coeff - _comb(r, k) * jnp.outer(Aphi_i_powers[k], Aphi_i_powers[r - k]) cov = cov + 1 / factorial(r) * coeff * dt ** r return m, cov
[docs]def expectation(phi: Callable, x: jnp.ndarray, dt: float, drift: Callable, dispersion: Callable, order: int = 3) -> jnp.ndarray: r"""TME approximation of expectation on any target function :math:`\phi`. For math details, see the docstring of :py:func:`tme.base_sympy.expectation`. Parameters ---------- phi : Callable (d,) -> (...) Target function (must be sufficiently smooth depending on the order). x : jnp.ndarray (d, ) The state at which the generator is evaluated (i.e., the :math:`x` in :math:`\mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t + \Delta t)) \mid X(t)=x]`). dt : float Time interval. drift : Callable (d,) -> (d,) SDE drift coefficient. dispersion : Callable (d,) -> (d, w) SDE dispersion coefficient, where `w` stands for the dimension of the Wiener process. order : int Order of TME. Must be >=0. For the relationship between the expansion order and SDE coefficient smoothness, see, Zhao (2021). Returns ------- jnp.ndarray (...) TME approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}[\phi(X(t + \Delta t)) \mid X(t)]`. The output shape is consistence with the input shape of :code:`phi`. """ list_of_Aphi = generator_power(phi, drift, dispersion, order) Aphi = phi(x) for r in range(1, order + 1): Aphi += 1 / factorial(r) * list_of_Aphi[r](x) * dt ** r return Aphi
def _comb(n, k): try: return math.comb(n, k) except AttributeError: # Python version < 3.8 does not have math.comb return _manual_comb(n, k) def _manual_comb(n, k): if k > n // 2: return _manual_comb(n, n - k) if k < 0: return 0 if k == 0: return 1 return _manual_comb(n - 1, k - 1) + _manual_comb(n - 1, k) def _format_dispersion(bz): ndim = jnp.ndim(bz) if ndim == 0: return jnp.atleast_2d(bz) if ndim == 1: return jnp.expand_dims(bz, 1) if ndim == 2: return bz else: raise ValueError(f"Dispersion coefficient b(z) must have at most 2 dimensions. {ndim} were passed")